
Showing posts from March, 2024

The Carpet Cleaning Myths

Everyone has their point of view, and quite often opinions tend to get wrongly considered as a fact. This takes place in all aspects of life, and the way people clean their carpets is no exception. The issue is that, more often these myths seem to be false, leaving you better off than you were before. Here are some of the myths you should ignore when you are looking for carpet cleaning in Fulham: My carpet doesn’t require professional cleaning because it is just one year old: The number of people who believe this myth is quite surprising, and is one of the most expensive mistakes any carpet owner could make. Not cleaning your carpet professionally until it’s visibly dirty, means that too much damage has been done already. Dirt & soil in the carpet break down the textiles, and fluff & fuzz will start to come off when vacuuming. If this is happening, you should contact a professional carpet cleaning in Fulham immediately. They will handle the thing in the best way possible and

Protect Your Carpets From Stains; How To Do It

Food and beverages have inevitably found their way onto our carpets. It will leave behind unsightly spots and stains that seem to appear out of nowhere. It's a common occurrence to witness spills and accidents, especially with children around. Wouldn’t it be nice if you prevented your carpet from ever getting stained? Unfortunately, a completely stain-free life is probably unattainable, especially if you have kids! However, there are several methods to prevent the majority of stains from occurring. It will make the cleaning team!  Leave shoes at the door. Shoes are a huge cause of spots and stains on our carpet. Think about it, you never know who stepped in what outside. If you want to keep mud and who knows what else on your carpets, require that shoes be taken off at the door. Provide a shoe mat array right inside the entrance of your home to encourage this behaviour. Use mats . If you really can’t bear to not wear shoes inside, or you don’t want to have to ask your houseguest